
The Region : Fire Damages Lumberyard in Orange

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A fire in a wood-curing building at a lumberyard in Orange burned for six hours and caused about $1.5 million in damage. The two-story building houses kilns, which heat and dry the lumber. Firefighters had a tough job because the wood was stacked with spaces between the planks to allow air to circulate. However, the spaces allowed the fire to burn through the center of the stacks, where the firefighters could not get at it. The lumber-curing building is divided into three rooms, and the fire consumed the center section. Most of the wood from the east and west sides was removed, although some wood on the east side was burned. The center room’s dimensions were roughly 30 by 30 by 30 feet, and it was filled with lumber. The kiln’s heating unit is being investigated as a possible cause.
