
Pound Animals for Research


I take exception to The Times’ editorial commending San Bernardino for continuing to sell pound animals for research. Perhaps if the animals cost more we would use fewer of them!

All research should be stopped immediately in order to computerize the millions of tests that have already been performed and that are continually being repeated nationwide.

This business boils down to a matter of dollars and cents--just like any other in America. Money is being made at every stage of the game. We, the taxpayers, through the National Institutes of Health give billions of dollars away each year with really no controls, even on the treatment of the animals involved.


One hundred million animals die each year. For shame!

It is foolish to become emotional over the number of lives saved by cutting up and torturing animals. Isn’t it a common fact that life expectancy here and everywhere is primarily lengthened by improving infant mortality rather than by saving a 50- or a 60-year-old with an artificial heart?


Santa Ana
