
Countywide : After Raise, Parrish Gets a Vacation Bonus

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One week after receiving a raise that kept him the highest-paid county official, Administrative Officer Larry Parrish on Wednesday was given three more weeks of vacation as a bonus for good work.

Parrish, who became the county’s administrative officer in June, 1985, at a salary of $90,000 a year, last week received a 10% pay raise from the Board of Supervisors.

Supervisor Bruce Nestande suggested that Parrish also receive a $5,000 bonus. But county officials said they were uncertain of the legality of giving a cash bonus, so the supervisors tacked on three weeks of vacation instead.


Nestande said that Parrish had “done an extraordinary job in holding this county together during a very tough year.”

Supervisor Thomas F. Riley cast the only dissenting vote, saying that while Parrish is an “outstanding employee,” the action could set “a precedent that could be very detrimental to county employees.”

Parrish, who was chief administrative officer in Santa Barbara County before being hired by Orange County, said the supervisors’ action is “a nice gesture.”


“I’m very pleased here and happy, and I enjoy it very much,” he said.
