
Disabled Learn Aerospace Jobs


A new Goodwill Industries work contract with McDonnell Douglas Corp. is offering a handful of Orange County’s disabled a chance to learn job skills related to the aerospace industry.

Goodwill workers--such as Lucille Concha, at lower left of above photo; Mike Moore, in striped shirt above; and Mike Goodall, left--began on-the-job training June 30 from supervisors like Ching Phan, who’s assisting Moore. The contract calls for Goodwill to supply McDonnell Douglas with components for aircraft including DC-10s and MD-80s. The pact with Goodwill’s Santa Ana center is the aerospace giant’s first contract with an exclusively disabled labor force.

The workers learn various aspects of basic aerospace assembly work, from measuring and drilling holes in enforcements and clamps, to beveling the holes and riveting.


A Goodwill coordinator said that one of the program’s goals is to get the disabled participants placed into McDonnell Douglas once they learn all the aspects of the work that the contract offers.
