


It happens every year. Certain summer films give certain actors a chance to bloom. But what happens once the warm weather ends? We checked in on a decade’s worth of summer stars to see what’s happened since.


She was so unhappy with every aspect of “Porky’s Revenge,” the third and final “Porky’s” film, that she moved her family from Los Angeles to Vermont when she’d completed filming her part as Wendy.

But she enjoyed the surprising success of “Porky’s,” and enjoyed the Lucille Ball quality her character developed in “Porky’s II: The Next Day.” When that film wrapped, Hunter mistakenly thought it was the end of Wendy.


“I never read the small print in the contract,” Hunter admitted. “It said I have to appear in every ‘Porky’s’ film. Once I was threatened with legal action, I started thinking about living somewhere else and doing something different.” Hunter also wanted to spend more time at home with her husband, unpublished writer/carpenter Carl Pepperman, and their son Boody, now 10.

Hunter is helping Carl build a larger house on their 80 acres, where she also raises vegetables and horses (four Morgans). She also spins, dyes and then weaves her own yarn into rugs that he hopes to sell in New York galleries.

“I feel I can always return to acting--and I will if the right role comes along. But then it’s back to Vermont for me,” Hunter said. “I’d rather have a riding farm for kids. I think that is what life is all about.”
