
13-Year-Old Turns In Parents


Remember those films by the good old conservatives showing us how terrible it would be living in a Communist country. How the children would actually be taught in school to snitch on their parents if they had a Bible in the house, or were caught praying.

That old story line sounds strangely reminiscent of what was reported of a Tustin 13-year-old who turned in her parents because of a policeman’s lecture against the evils of drugs, which she heard at her local church.

Although it is impossible to calculate the depressing personal side of this story, and how it will affect this family in later years, to my mind it represents another sad episode of the growing repression in this country.


I find it almost impossible to believe that the same generation that extolled the values of peace, love and flowers a mere 20 years ago, and statistically has a higher level of education than any generation in history, has now allowed a repressive and anti-rational segment of the population to slowly grip the nation with its own sense of self-righteous hysteria.


Long Beach
