
‘The Circus Is in Town--Again’


Your editorial referring to the recent INS actions as a “circus” reflects the opinion of someone who mindlessly churns out such undereducated rhetoric and fails to see the proverbial forest for the trees.

When illegal aliens choose to enter this country they do so with the full knowledge that they are breaking the laws of this country and with the full expectation that they may be arrested and/or deported.

We may have a moral imperative to help these poor people who are less fortunate than ourselves, but moral imperatives do not keep peace marchers out of jail or mercy killers out of prison. Perhaps our laws need to be changed, but until they are they must be enforced. Anarchy does not breed constructive social change.


Rather than ridicule the demonstrators in Orange, we should ridicule newspaper editors who print inflammatory editorials.

Those who stood and applauded the law enforcement agencies of this country for enforcing the laws that we the people enacted should themselves be applauded.


Santa Ana
