
Tiny Reading Lamps : Vivace Guild Offers a ‘Light’ Debut at the New Center Club

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Times Staff Writer

Even before opening night at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, Vivace Guild members have declared, “Let there be light!”

Wednesday night--amid a bountiful buffet and lots of champagne at the exclusive Center Club in the new facility, the guild’s fund-raising “micro light”--a purse-size lamp designed to let theatergoers read their programs during the show--made its debut.

Guild chairwoman Sandra Segerstrom Daniels presented the first light to Center director Thomas R. Kendrick.


Daniels said the micro-lights, which will be available only by mail for $5.50, represents “a challenge in increasing support of the Center.” Later, at a table with her father, Hal Segerstrom (his wife, Jeannette, was unable to attend), Mrs. Robert Fluor, Kendrick and his assistant Judith O’Day Morr, Daniels remarked that the tiny lights should last theater patrons for at least one season. “I just hope everyone in the theater doesn’t have them all on at once!”

Also seen nibbling from the buffet and listening to the strains of a string quartet were Georgia Spooner (founder of the Women’s Guild Network), Dr. and Mrs. Thorton Boswell, William and Elaine Redfield (Elaine is a former member of the Center board of directors) and Bernard M. and Barbara Steinberg (Barbara is chairwoman-elect of the Women’s Guild).
