
O’Melveny Park, at the northern end of...


O’Melveny Park, at the northern end of Granada Hills, is a bit of wild nature just beyond the reach of sprawling suburbs.

The isolated city park, which lies along Sesnon Boulevard west of Balboa Boulevard, has sweeping lawns ringed by towering sandstone cliffs.

At the northern end of the park, a hiking trail ascends Bee Canyon Creek for about two-thirds of a mile. This pleasant stream flows several months a year, alternating between quiet pools of water and thin tongues of foam that dart between folds of rocks.


Visitors are rewarded with the song of birds and crickets, and the scream of red-tailed hawks, along with the gurgle of flowing water.

Scarlet monkey flowers grow along the path, which also is strewn with giant acorns from maul oaks and yellow maple leaves.

Hikers be forewarned: poison oak is abundant in Bee Canyon, and it’s a good idea to wear long sleeves and pants, hats and boots.

But those who make the trip will find a world much different from that of the tract homes and fast-food restaurants a mile or two away.
