
Bill on Airport Noise Suits


In an article on Aug. 30 we were informed that a bill had been sent to Gov. Deukmejian that would prevent neighboring residents from suing airports more than once unless operations or noise levels “significantly change.” In the same article, the president of the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority was quoted as having warned previously that the airport could go broke and shut down if not protected from multiple lawsuits.

Our homeowners association has repeatedly tried to persuade the airport to direct outgoing flights over the cities owning the airport at least 50% of the time. This would certainly cut down on the noise those of us to the west must suffer (over and over), and should cut down on lawsuits.

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Franscisco) states that the new law would “under no circumstances bar a claim. But it would bar you from . . . being able to go in and harass the airport . . . every time a PSA plane lands or a United takes off.” This Sunday morning, between 10:20 and 10:50, five planes took off over our otherwise quiet neighborhood, jarring our nerves and our windows. Mr. Brown, I’m harassed.



Studio City
