
West Hollywood : Officials Enforcing Sign Laws


West Hollywood has begun to enforce a newly adopted ordinance requiring businesses that sell alkyl and butyl nitrate inhalants, known as “poppers,” to post warning signs about the stimulants.

The inhalants, most commonly sold as room deodorizers, have been known to be used as stimulants, according to city officials and county health authorities. They said abuse of the inhalants has led to skin rashes, nasal irritations, sinus and lung infections and even fainting and cardiac arrest.

City officials said epidemiologists have been investigating a possible link between moderate and heavy use of the inhalants and the development of Kaposi’s sarcoma among victims of AIDS. Under an ordinance recently passed by the City Council to discourage use of the inhalants, businesses are required to post signs warning about the dangers of “poppers.”


The city also has begun requiring restaurants and other businesses to post “no smoking” and “smoking permitted” signs in areas affected by a recently passed smoking ordinance. To help businesses comply with the ordinance, the city has begun printing and distributing official smoking-related signs. They may be obtained free from City Hall, 8611 Santa Monica Blvd., or from the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce or the West Hollywood Community Alliance.
