


Last week’s tell-all TV Guide article--with directors of photography (DPs) and their assistants blabbing about the not-so-niceties of the stars--apparently is having repercussions: A source tells that video technician Steve Wollenberg is in hot water with Paramount for tattling about “tension” on “Webster.” We hear reports of anxious union meetings on the brouhaha.

Wollenberg told writer Mary Murphy that stars Susan Clark and Alex Karras had been “tough” on mini Emmanuel Lewis because he was stealing their thunder.

Anecdotes from other DPs had dictatorial Don Johnson telling director and cameraman where to place the camera, Shirley MacLaine demanding reshoots to make her look better, “moody” Bea Arthur needing special lighting (“She has no color in her face”), Robert Guillaume “screaming at everybody.”


Wollenberg said he’s not barred from the lot and “I’ve been assured I’ll work there again.” A Paramount spokesman said the studio had “no comment”; an exec with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees was likewise tight-lipped.
