
Countywide : D.A. Warning Residents on Charity Solicitations


The Orange County district attorney’s office is warning residents to be on the lookout this holiday season for charity solicitors who fail to obey disclosure laws.

Under the state Consumer Solicitations Act, solicitors are required to disclose the following:

- The name and address of the organization.

- Whether the solicitor is a volunteer or is being paid.

- The percentage of a contribution going toward the charity, or a set amount anticipated to be spent on fund raising.


Such disclosures are required in the initial phone call and in follow-up solicitations, and were designed to ensure that a consumer makes an informed decision before donating money, Deputy Dist. Atty. Elise Cuen said.

“Because of recent developments we have decided to take a stance on it,” Cuen said. “We want people out there to be aware, especially during the holiday season.”

Residents who suspect a solicitor of not making proper disclosures should find out where the organization is located, who is in charge and what their tax-exempt number is, and send the information to the consumer protection unit of the district attorney’s office, Cuen said.
