
Anaheim : Daily Fees Raised at Senior Citizens Center


Daily fees charged to the elderly who use the Anaheim Senior Citizen Day Care Center will double from $6 to $12 under a City Council action this week.

The council approved several actions affecting the program, including the increase, to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act, according to Chris Jarvi, director of the city’s parks department.

To comply with the law, the city switched the center’s three contract employees to the category of part-time workers, which will cost an additional $8,865 yearly. Officials raised the fees because of the increased costs.


The center is for older citizens who “suffer a variety of chronic ailments or disabilities which impair their ability to lead normal, active lives,” Jarvi wrote in a report to the council.

Many of them also are generally isolated and some have low incomes.

Clients who cannot afford the full fees pay less or nothing. Contributions to United Way by city employees will be used to make up the shortfall, Jarvi wrote.
