
President’s State of Union


The actions of our elected so-called representatives to the President’s State of the Union message made me mad as hell. The Republicans cheered and applauded every one of the President’s statements while the Democrats frowned and sat on their hands. It would have made Pavlov proud.

How soon our representatives forget that they were elected by the people for the singular purpose of running the country for the good of the nation and the people. Yet once elected they seem to feel that their role is twofold. First to get reelected to another term and secondly to protect their party by voting the strict party line.

It was interesting to watch the Democrats’ rebuttal to the President’s speech. They were quick to criticize yet they themselves offered no concrete plans to cure that which they criticized.


The only solution the Democrats offered to the farmer’s problem was additional loans--another Band-Aid. Why don’t they offer a solution to the problem instead of burying the farmer deeper into debt?

I’m going to let all my state’s elected officials and everyone else I can think of, know exactly how I feel. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any longer.


