
Save Hosp Grove


In my opinion, the remainder of the Hosp Eucalyptus Grove in Carlsbad is very much worth saving as public domain for current and future generations of people fortunate enough to live in Carlsbad.

Carlsbad has developed beautifully over the years and continues to do so--all the result of sound, constructive leadership since its formation.

I have lived in Carlsbad for almost 40 years, helped in the incorporation of the city and served on the City Council 30 years ago. At the time I was on the council, we had the opportunity to buy the entire Hosp Eucalyptus Grove for a very nominal amount of money. We, as a council, wanted to buy but, as a very young and struggling city, we simply had no reasonable financial means available to us. Regretfully, we had to pass up the opportunity.


Carlsbad has another chance, and the once struggling city is now a wonderfully successful community and financial powerhouse as compared to other cities throughout California. There is every good reason now and for the future to save the remainder of Hosp Grove. I am sure, with the city’s strong financial position, a sound and equitable method to buy the grove can be worked out by our current council of dedicated, civic-minded, intelligent individuals. They are talented and worthy successors to the long line of superior civic leaders we have had in Carlsbad over these many years.

I am sure the council has the will and the resources and can determine the most equitable method to finance the purchase of the Hosp Grove.


