
Against Diamond Lanes

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Homeowners of Encino has held numerous meetings and discussions, thoroughly considering all aspects of the proposed diamond lane/multi-use lane on the Ventura Freeway. Our association has taken the position to oppose both the diamond lane and the multi-use lane. After careful analysis, we now favor the no-project alternative.

Our association believes that squeezing freeway lanes from 12 feet to 11 feet and reducing the center median shoulder to only two feet is unsafe. Vehicles traveling at freeway speeds need the safety margin provided by the median. The studies we have seen clearly show an increase in rear-end and lane-change accidents where diamond lanes have been put in.

The projects promise only short-term relief, and in a matter of only a year or so, the congestion will build back up. Only the lanes will be narrower, and thus less safe. If Caltrans believes that narrow lanes are safer than wider lanes, then why do they not make 11-foot widths the standards for all new freeways in the state?


We have several other concerns. The public should know that the committee was stacked from the beginning with West Valley business interests who are pushing car-pool lanes for their employees. Out of the 70 or so members on the committee, only about a half dozen represented homeowner groups. The committee is heavily biased in favor of special interests, and against the average freeway user who must drive to work or school alone.

Ironically, three private citizens were removed from the committee at the last meeting because they did not represent any organizations. One must ask, what is the purpose of the committee if it is not to seek input from the public.

The real answer to the Ventura Freeway is to provide bypass routes, such as completing the 118 Freeway. Finally let’s not overlook the underlying cause of the long-range problem, and that is the rampant development that has been permitted in the Valley during the past several decades. It’s time to limit growth, not build another Manhattan!




Silver is president of Homeowners of Encino.
