
Board Assailed on Sewer Plan

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Your constituents in Malibu and the rest of Los Angeles should thank you, Tom Hayden, for your piece regarding the Malibu Sewer Plan (Times, Feb. 18). I hope people all over L. A. are watching what’s happening in Malibu and are aware of what our L. A. County Board of Supervisors are doing:

1. A seemingly already decided-upon RV park is planned for a large portion of the Zuma Beach parking lot, which will affect the ability of beachgoers from all over L. A. to attend and park at the last expansive, sea-level beach strip in northern L. A. county.

2. And, as you pointed out, Assemblyman Hayden, a seemingly imminent massive sewering of indiscriminate areas of Malibu, which will be paid for by the homeowners themselves. Some Malibu residents will pay dearly, as they will lose their homes due to excessive sewering cost. These people will be sacrificed for the developers, who feed most of the L. A. County Board of Supervisors’ campaign pockets! The overdevelopment of Malibu, beyond the capacity limit of Pacific Coast Highway, will impact all of L. A. County’s beach visitors. Later, they (the supervisors and the developers) will eventually leave, after 5 to 10 years of digging up and sewering along Pacific Coast Highway, and we will all be left to pay the consequences. All of L. A. will have lost the ability to enjoy Malibu’s beaches.


What’s behind all of this? Of course, our L. A. County supervisors. Where are you, Deane Dana, and what are you doing? Are you too busy to listen? (Maybe five of you aren’t enough.) Oh, by the way, “Honorable” Deane Dana, thanks so much for the “Malibu waivers,” which continue to allow septic tanks along the beach (including at the proposed Zuma RV park!) so you can say we need a massive sewer to take care of a “health hazard” that you’ve created. Sounds like Big Rock II to me.


