
$322,996 in Gifts to Supervisors


Ted Vollmer has performed a courageous and resolute public service in his article (June 14), “L.A. County Supervisors Rack Up $322,996 in Gifts Over Six Years.”

Excessive self-indulgence and political buddy-boying by our governing board, violates the public trust. Duping the electorate with self-righteous rhetorical hoopla (“what’s wrong with that?”) while bedding with plum-seeking donors is insulting. It shocks the very foundation of representative government.

Supervisor Deane Dana requires a course in morality. Soliciting and accepting guns, in his mind, is proper whereas cash is not. The same Dana who recently favored a $25 million loan, but backed down under public pressure, to a major political contributor and president of the L.A. Coliseum Commission.


Supervisor Ed Edelman feels that the amount received for honorariums, not the act itself, determines impropriety. How about trips and tickets?

Supervisor Mike Antonovich whistles the same tune. Unable to define a questionable gift, he claims a policy of returning such gifts. Evidently, the value of trips, liquor, and tickets received is not questionable.

Supervisor Pete Schabarum states that “I can’t worry about that.” He feels that the public’s general perception of elected officials is “that they assume us to be crooks.” While bathing in a sea of ashtrays, plants, trips, liquor, and tickets, Schabarum may have supported his own findings.

Despite Schabarum’s arrogance, we the electorate should worry. We deserve a gift also, that of ridding county government of pompous parasites impersonating elected officials.


