
TV & VIDEO - July 21, 1987

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

The long strike against NBC by the union representing news staffers and technicians may be starting to get to the management types filling in for picketing news writers at NBC-owned WNBC-TV in New York. Monday morning, an anchor on the station reported that negotiators from NBC and the National Assn. of Broadcast Employees and Technicians were meeting with a federal mediator at 10 a.m. that day “in Washington.” She was half-right. The meeting was in New York. Meanwhile, on this coast, the strike took a new direction over the weekend, when about 60 strikers picketed two Hollywood video post-production houses that the union said were “doing work for NBC (that) the union ordinarily would be doing itself.” Spokesmen for Complete Post and Video Transitions said NBC was using independent, non-union video facilities mostly for game shows, promotional spots and daytime programming.
