
Martinez on Teen-Agers


On July 23, Al Martinez took the opportunity to slash out at random at the teen-age population. He labeled us “dumb,” “lazy,” and “brutish.” He said we have the “brains of pigeons,” and are restricted to communication “on the most primitive levels.”

His vicious remarks demonstrate not only his hate of teen-agers, but also his blinding ignorance and stupidity.

I am 16 years old. I have not had sex and stay away from alcohol--obviously not normal by Martinez’s uninformed standards. Why doesn’t he get away from his typewriter and pay a visit to some teen-agers; religious teen-agers, polite teen-agers, smart teen-agers. If he is too lazy to investigate us before we are characterized in four short columns, then he is as dumb and lazy as he says we are.



North Hollywood
