
The Region - News from Aug. 9, 1987


A state welfare hearing board has ruled that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services did not give proper notice in stopping aid payments to “Welfare Queen” Dorothy Woods after, investigators said, she collected several weeks for a 14-year-old son who was not living with her. Woods, 45, said she had simply left the boy with an older brother temporarily while she looked for another place to live. She said she continued to pay for his food and other needs. Kwaku Dure1848385648three other issues and he will ask for further hearings on her behalf. Woods, who in 1983 was convicted of cheating the county out of $377,000 in welfare payments with phony names and non-existent children, faces a pretrial hearing Wednesday on her March arrest for alleged welfare fraud in accepting Aid to Families with Dependent Children payments for her son.
