
‘Gridlocked Government’


Your editorial “Gridlocked Government” (Oct. 5) struck a tender nerve in my pocketbook. Your endorsement of putting all California property taxpayers on the same footing regarding the inequities of Proposition 13 demands immediate attention in Sacramento. Most of us who purchased property since 1978 not only pay higher property taxes for property of equal value than our neighbors who bought their homes before then, but we also have significantly higher mortgage payments because of the skyrocketing real estate market.

The pro-Proposition 13 advocates told us that sooner or later all property would change hands and everyone would be on the same footing again. Meanwhile, all of us on the backside of Proposition 13 are victims of taxation enslavement by an unscrupulous state government. When will the government, our legislators and the courts wake up? How can we stand idly by and let this senseless injustice go on? How long must we continue to subsidize the beneficiaries of Proposition 13?

If something as absurd as being forced to pay a disproportionate share of taxes simply because of the date that I purchased my home can become law, what’s next?



