
COSTA MESAGovernmentCity Council: Donn Hall (mayor), Orville...

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City Council: Donn Hall (mayor), Orville Amburgey (vice mayor), Dave Wheeler, Mary Hornbuckle, Peter Buffa

City Manager: Allan Roeder

Fire Chief: John Paul Petruzziello

Chief of Police: David L. Snowden


Population: (1987 est.) 87,820 Area: 15.8 square miles Incorporation: June, 29 1953 Median household income: $28,451 Median home value: $108,412

Racial/ethnic mix: white, 90.6%;Latino, 12.3%; black, 0.83%; other, 8.7 %

(Total is more than 100% because racial/ethnic breakdowns overlap)

City Services

City Hall 754-5223

77 Fair Drive

Police (business) 754-5255

99 Fair Drive

Fire (business) 549-1113

77 Fair Drive

Post Office 546-5330

1590 Adams Ave.

In Emergency, Dial 911

Employment status

Employed persons: 46,214 Unemployed: 1,786 Not in labor force: 19,345 Per capita income: $9,119


Neighborhood mobility

Household moved in

Most recent year: 4,596 Last 5 years: 11,965 6-9 years ago: 3,617 10-14 years ago: 2,484 15+ years ago: 2,810


Adults over 25

Years of school completed:

0-11 years: 17.6%

12 years: 31.0%

13-15 years: 30.2%

16+ years: 21.2%

Median years completed: 13.1

Median Age: 33.3 years

Statistics: Donnelley Demographics


City of the Arts

Once an agricultural community named Harper with a water tower as its landmark, Costa Mesa--named in a 1920 contest--now touts the slogan “City of the Arts” and a $70.7-million performing arts center. Bringing a promise of urbanity to an area known for suburban sprawl, the Orange County Performing Arts Center endowed Costa Mesa with a symbol of culture and an architectural focal point on a site once sowed for lima beans. The 3,000-seat center--built on land donated by the Segerstrom family--opened last year with funds from patrons, not the city, and put Costa Mesa on the map for something more than shopping. The Segerstrom-built South Coast Plaza shopping center--which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year--was recently stamped as a national tourist attraction when the Travel Industry Assn. gave it a special award for marketing. For the last two years, the center has bused in tourists from 38 area hotels, upping the share of tourist shoppers to 15%. The shopping complex, including the new Crystal Court addition on Bear Street, covers more than 100 acres, housing eight major department stores and about 300 specialty shops. Sales last year reached $500 million.
