
‘Nicaragua: New Challenges’

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Your editorial “Nicaragua: New Challenges” (Dec. 16) reflects the same kind of unreality exhibited by liberal newspapers in England in 1938. The same soothing, mushy, everything-will-be-all-right thinking.

Nicaragua has embarked on a long-term course of confrontation and conflict with the United States and its neighbors in Central America. To do this it needs a big military stick to swing. The Soviet Union is giving the Sandinista government all the wood they need for this stick.

This is so clear and yet you persist in fantasizing about some kind of “compromise” that can be reached with Daniel Ortega and his band of thugs. Show us one instance where compromise with Marxist dictators has resulted in less violence and death.

You quote Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Sanchez as saying: “Let Central America decide the future of Central America.” The boys in the Politburo must be laughing themselves silly. I’ll bet historians looking at late 20th-Century newspaper editorials will too.



