
**** Excellent *** Good ** Fair * Poor : VIDEOCASSETTES

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<i> Compiled by Terry Atkinson </i>

“The Papal Spacebridge: Satellite Youth Forum.” Heart of the Nation. $24.95. Amazing TV: This was the live satellite linkup where Catholic youth from four American cities asked questions of Pope John Paul II (who was with the L.A. gathering at the Universal Amphitheatre), sang for him and cheered as if they’d mistaken the Holy Father for a member of U2. And then: that unforgettable moment at the end of the 90 minutes when armless musician Tony Melendez comes on to sing and play guitar--with his toes! Alternately inspiring, moving, weird (these kids are so fresh-faced and gee-whiz enthused it’s scary), unintentionally funny (as when some of the teen-agers forget their short speeches) and fascinating for its pep-rally tone and papal charisma, “Spacebridge” is highly recommended to Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Also available at the same price: “Dodger Stadium: The Historic Papal Mass.” Or both programs can be bought for $39.95. Information: (818) 842-5511. ****
