
America’s cattlemen have turned actress Cybill Shepherd...

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America’s cattlemen have turned actress Cybill Shepherd out to pasture as a glittery spokeswoman for red meat, the Beef Industry Council said. Shepherd, star of television’s “Moonlighting” and recent mother of twins, was dropped when her advertising contract expired last week. “She was a tremendous asset to our campaign. But as our campaign develops we’re looking at incorporating real people into it,” a spokeswoman for the group said. Shepherd and Hollywood star James Garner both appeared in commercials designed to glamorize red meat at a time when diet-conscious Americans were thinking more about other kinds of sustenance. Garner’s contract does not expire until this summer. Shepherd had triggered a temptest in the barnyard when she was quoted in a woman’s magazine as saying she really didn’t eat much red meat. She later said she was misquoted.
