
Local News in Brief : Beach Lot to Stay Closed


Los Angeles recreation officials say it will cost $238,000 to repair the parking lot at the Cabrillo Beach pier, and they expect the lot--which was torn up in the storm that battered the California coast last week--to remain closed indefinitely.

However, officials say the pier may be reopened in as little as a week to those who want to walk to it.

Julie Boxx, supervisor for the city Department of Recreation and Parks, said the department is trying to find money in its budget to repair the parking lot, which is littered with rocks and broken asphalt from the storm.


Boxx said the pier itself appears to be in good shape, although she said city officials want to have it inspected for structural soundness before reopening it. The pier has been closed since the storm, although Boxx said no one is enforcing it. The signs warning people to stay off “are not stopping anybody from walking out there.”
