
Mayoral Hopeful Feels Left Out


The article on the mayoral race, “Despite Hired Aides, L.B. Mayoral Contest Retains Small-Town Flavor” (Times, Feb. 18), was exceedingly disappointing in that it reflected such bias in favor of Jan Hall and Ernie Kell.

Reporter Chris Woodyard spent over an hour in my office interviewing me on strategy, volunteers and my campaign platform. In his article he states, “Pryor . . . is drawing some of her ideas from Los Angeles City Councilwoman Ruth Galanter’s uphill battle that unseated longtime incumbent Pat Russell last year.”

Where Woodyard spent considerable time describing Hall and Kell’s fund-raising events and campaign consultants, he failed to mention that (1) my campaign hired Larry Reamer of San Diego, publisher of Newswire and a major consultant in the Galanter campaign who is not “drawing ideas” from Galanter’s campaign but who is designing a strategy for my campaign based on Long Beach and the first-time mayoral slot; (2) that there are three more fund-raisers scheduled for my campaign within the next few weeks, one where Ruth Galanter will indeed be a featured guest and speaker, and (3) failed to set up any session with a photographer.



Long Beach
