
40th Congressional District Race


In your article “40th District: Republicans’ Coveted Gem” (April 11), you, as on previous occasions, state that the views of the candidates running for the 40th Congressional (District) seat are very similar. While this is basically true, I feel that the differences between several candidates on several issues (trade with Communist countries, off-shore oil drilling, abortion, etc.) are significant and as wide as one might expect from 13 candidates belonging to the same party in the same region of the country. Various initiatives that various candidates have proposed, but have not been reported, also tend to set us apart.

You end the article by stating that “major” candidates are conducting polls to determine how to handle the local issue of traffic and growth control that is spilling into the 40th Congressional race. Although not a federal issue, I, as well as many voters, consider this to be a very legitimate and important subject to raise. We sincerely believe that the positions taken will tend to show if a candidate will support special interest groups or the people in the district if elected to office.

Since entering this race I have often expressed my full support for the Citizens’ Sensible Growth and Traffic Control Initiative without any reservations.


Because the “major” candidates have major special interest group bucks and endorsements, I do not feel that they should necessarily receive virtually all of the press coverage as well. I question why. The Times has not printed my clear position on the Citizens’ Sensible Growth and Traffic Control Initiative, nor a single word that I have stated during several candidate forums that you have covered. Don’t the people have a right to read at least something about each candidate?


Candidate for U.S. Congress

40th District
