
Problems Beset Top Magnet School : Panel to Seek Solutions for Gompers


A committee of 60 to 70 parents, teachers, students and community members will sit down Saturday to begin drawing up prospective solutions for problems besetting Gompers Secondary School in Southeast San Diego, the school’s principal said Tuesday.

The committee was formed at the end of a marathon meeting Monday night during which more than 250 people gave their views as to what corrections are needed.

The school, which has the city’s stellar math-science-computer magnet program, has been rocked by serious morale problems stemming from dissatisfaction by high school magnet teachers over new requirements that would force them to teach at the non-magnet junior high, also a part of Gompers, as well as at the magnet high school. There have been calls by parents of magnet children who are bused to the school for the resignation of the school’s principal, Marie Thornton. Neighborhood parents have strongly supported Thornton for her efforts to further integrate magnet and non-magnet programs.


The committee will meet as many times as it needs to in order to draw up a wide-list of proposals for presentation at a public forum May 25. A final list will be submitted to Supt. Tom Payzant by June 15 so that any reforms adopted can begin by September. If parents and teachers see progress by then, it is hoped, teachers and students will remain at the school.
