
Beyond ‘Beetlejuice I’


Yikes! Here comes “Beetlejuice II”! David Geffen, whose company produced the ghostly Warner Bros. hit (over $50 million gross so far), confirms that Tim Burton will repeat as director, shooting the sequel mid-1989 when he’s wrapped his “Batman” feature. Michael Keaton is the only member from the original cast now set to return, Geffen said.

“All we know about the script is it will be set in a contemporary place like the first one,” Geffen added. “The premise so far has Sylvia Sydney (the lady in charge of the Great Beyond) saying to Michael, ‘We’re gonna give you one more chance, Beetlejuice!’ ”

As for a “Beetlejuice” Saturday morning cartoon series: “All the networks have contacted us about it. The Beetlejuice character touches something strange and funny in children and adults alike.”
