
Recall Campaign Against Supervisors


I am amazed.

On April 27, your newspaper reported that Tom Rogers, founder of a group called Orange County Tomorrow, plans to start a recall campaign against Board of Supervisors’ Chairman Harriett Wieder and Vice Chairman Tom Riley because Rogers disagrees with the way they voted on the Laguna Laurel development agreement.

What a preposterous waste of time and money. I thought recalls were for elected officials who have done something wrong. Wieder and Riley have voted according to the dictates of their consciences. They voted for an agreement that will provide for badly needed transportation improvements. Certainly, this does not warrant their being recalled from office. Where was Rogers two years ago when Supervisors Wieder and Riley were reelected by overwhelming margins? It is obvious that both of these public officials have done an effective job of representing their constituents for many years, and this fact has been recognized by the vast majority of voters in their districts. If Rogers disagrees with the way Wieder and Riley voted, why doesn’t he run against one of them?

I resent the media referring to Rogers as some kind of “spokesman” for the public. His only accomplishment so far is to have misled some residents into signing an ill-conceived growth-control initiative. Until Rogers is elected, he certainly doesn’t represent me.



Laguna Beach
