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Diseases reported to the Los Angeles County Department of Health:

Year to Year to March March Date Date 1988 1987 1988 1987 Intestinal Infections Amebiasis 29 40 82 103 Campylobacteriosis 85 113 223 272 Giardiasis 102 143 231 385 Salmonellosis 162 140 386 428 Shigellosis 95 79 291 294 Childhood diseases Mumps 27 7 50 12 Measles 35 1 79 1 German measles 6 7 8 9 Whooping cough 6 2 20 12 Scarlet fever 66 66 163 132 Venereal diseases Gonorrhea 2,628 3,675 6,639 10,464 Penicillin-resistant gonorrhea 68 136 163 436 Syphilis, primary and secondary 367 358 1,047 970 Other infectious diseases Hepatitis A* 104 126 295 341 Hepatitis B** 68 114 188 294 Meningococcal infections*** 37 37 131 129 Tuberculosis 142 181 322 461

Diseases may have been diagnosed prior to month reported.

* Hepatitis A is spread by fecal-contaminated water, food or household contact with an infected person.

** Hepatitis B is spread by contaminated blood, unsterile needles or sexual contact.

*** Meningococcal infections can cause spinal meningitis and blood poisoning.

Source: L. A. County Department of Health Services


Research: Tracy Thomas / Los Angeles Times
