

Clipboard researched by Henry Rivero and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times, Page designed by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Service through the three fiscal quarters: July 1, 1987-March 31, 1988

COMPARISON TO ADOPTED BUDGET **Budget/Goal Actual Percent of FY 1987-88 FY 1987-88 Difference Vehicle Service Hours (VSH) 1,011,371 1,008,119 -0.32 Vehicle Service Miles (VSM) 14,177,613 13,936,928 -1.70 Total Ridership 25,521,964 25,606,419 0.33 Passengers/VSH 25.24 25.40 0.63 Passengers/VSM 1.80 1.84 2.22 Total Operating Cost $61,967,935 $60,342,887 -2.62 Cost/VSH $55.39 $54.19 -2.17 Cost/VSM $3.95 $3.92 -0.76 Cost/Passenger $2.20 $2.13 -3.18 Total Fare Revenue $14,169,980 $14,147,362 -0.16 Revenue/Passenger $0.45 $0.45 0.00 Complaints/100,000 Passengers ***** 7.00 7.53 7.57 Collisions/ 100,000 Miles ***** 2.50 2.84 13.60 Complaints/ 100,000 Passengers *** 15.16 13.75 -9.30 Call time to pick-up, within 30 minutes *** 70 63 -10.00 Pick-up to delivery, within 30 minutes *** 90 86 -4.44 Client worksites visited **** 195 235 20.51 Carpoolers **** 4,470 4,741 6.06 Vanpoolers **** 261 277 6.13

COMPARISON TO LAST YEAR Actual *Percent of FY 1986-87 Difference Vehicle Service Hours (VSH) 944,349 6.75 Vehicle Service Miles (VSM) 13,142,183 6.05 Total Ridership 23,528,733 8.83 Passengers/VSH 24.92 1.93 Passengers/VSM 1.79 2.79 Total Operating Cost $57,031,201 5.81 Cost/VSH $53.48 1.33 Cost/VSM $3.84 2.08 Cost/Passenger $2.15 -0.93 Total Fare Revenue $13,867,634 2.02 Revenue/Passenger $0.46 -2.17 Complaints/100,000 Passengers ***** 8.44 -10.78 Collisions/ 100,000 Miles ***** 2.50 13.60 Complaints/ 100,000 Passengers *** 15.16 -9.30 Call time to pick-up, within 30 minutes *** 64 -1.56 Pick-up to delivery, within 30 minutes *** 87 -1.15 Client worksites visited **** 310 -24.19 Carpoolers **** 5,492 -13.67 Vanpoolers **** 336 -17.56

* Represents the difference between the actual budgets for the current and the previous years.


** The goals in the column below are for the figures listed for fixed-route operations, dial-a-ride operations and Commuter Network Ridesharers.

*** Dial-a-ride operations

**** Commuter Network Ridesharers placed

***** Fixed-route operations

Source: Orange County Transit District
