
$23.4-Million CSUN Projects Under Study

Times Staff Writer

California State University trustees will consider plans this week for $23.4 million in capital projects at Cal State Northridge, including a 1,000-space garage.

Trustees will consider amending the CSUN Master Plan to provide for the garage and additional office, meeting and storage space. The work, which would extend well into the 1990s, is part of the university’s continuing expansion to meet growth demands.

The $7-million garage would be constructed in 1994 on Nordhoff Street near a proposed performing arts complex. Funding would come from several sources, including state coffers and campus fund raising, said Elliot Mininberg, CSUN vice president for administration and university advancement.


The largest of the projects, a $10.3-million expansion of the School of Engineering and Computer Science, would add faculty offices, graduate research space and a small amount of shops and storage. Another expansion project would add 90 offices to Sierra Hall, a faculty office building, at a cost of about $5.8 million, Mininberg said.

Funding for both projects is tied to a $600-million school bond issue on the California ballot in November. “If the bond issue doesn’t pass, it will certainly take a lot longer to build these projects,” Mininberg said. “And our enrollment has already grown beyond the institution’s capacity.”

The fourth project would add office space and a conference room at the campus intercollegiate athletics building. The $300,000 addition, to be completed by May, 1989, would be paid for by campus fund raising.

Bob Hiegert, director of the athletic program, said the expansion comes as a welcome relief. He said there is so little space in the existing building, which is a former ticket office, that he holds staff meetings in the gymnasium.

Mininberg said CSU trustees are expected to approve the amendments at a meeting Wednesday.
