
Airport Problem


Orange County is undoubtedly the richest of all areas in these United States, but does it really qualify for that distinction?

Where oh where is its International Airport? Why, way up in Los Angeles County, of course!

In this day of supposedly fast travel, it only takes the average Orange County resident a two-hour wait on the freeway and another two-hour wait at LAX to catch a flight because of heavy freeway traffic as well as very probable traffic tie-ups.

Four hours isn’t only ridiculous but outrageous. We have needed an international airport for over 30 years and probably will never get one.


Not too long ago Robert Carr, a congressman from Michigan, suggested that we use the base at El Toro for the airport facility that all of us here in Orange County so desperately need. He is absolutely right, and it better be done very soon before both ends of the runways are covered with housing.

It is a perfect facility that at present uses jet fighters as well as heavy bombers, and is certainly adequate for any and all civilian aircraft. Just consider the benefits to the air traveling public, freeway travelers, and the savings in time and money as well as a great lessening of smog in our basin.

We must face up to this situation here in Orange County because eventually we will have to do something whether we like it or not.


