
Expensive Lesson


Last week in Rosarito Beach, Mexico, we bought a case of Mexican beer at one of those warehouse distribution stations that charges so much less than liquor stores.

Almost immediately we were stopped by a traffic cop because a girl in the back seat had opened one of the bottles. She was a visitor from Spain and was following an old Spanish custom.

Well, the cop wanted us to pay him $150. All we had was change from a $50 traveler’s check with which we had bought the beer. So he impounded our car and said we would get it back when we came up with the $150.


We argued. How could we get the money when we were stranded in Rosarito Beach? He finally consented to accept $40.

We dare not go to Mexico anymore. We used to run down for a day or two at the Rosarito Beach Hotel. No more. My cousin owns a cottage at Rosarito. We must warn him. He loves Mexican beer.


