
Local News in Brief : 3 Injured in Attack on Van Nuys Street


Two men were shot and a third pistol-whipped following an argument on a Van Nuys street corner Sunday, Los Angeles police said.

All three men were taken to Valley Presbyterian Hospital in Van Nuys where they were treated and released following the 8:30 p.m. incident in the 14600 block of Victory Boulevard, said Detective Rocky Kennedy of the Van Nuys Division of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Kennedy said the victims had been standing outside a restaurant when they were approached by five men in their early 20s. He said an argument ensued and one of the men pulled a small-caliber handgun and shot Gerardo Gayian 18, once in the shoulder and Jesus Alvarez, 38, once in the leg.


At some time during the scuffle, Fidel Soto, 26, received a laceration to his forehead, Kennedy said. The five men then fled on foot.

No arrests have been made, Kennedy said. He said that police had not learned the motive for the shootings.
