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The adoption of a code of conduct to govern athletes, cheerleaders and other students involved in extracurricular activities in the Escondido High School District has been delayed by trustees because student leaders say they want to develop their own plan.

The ethics code was proposed by Supt. John Cooper as a way to govern the behavior of student leaders off campus and after school hours because of his contention that their behavior reflects on their school’s reputation.

Trustees Tuesday night were split 3 to 2 in favor of adopting Cooper’s proposal, but delayed a vote after student leaders said they wanted to consider writing their own “voluntary student code of honor,” as Cooper characterized it.


“If they find a better way to achieve what we’re after, I’m all ears,” Cooper said. “We’re looking for a way for students to buy in to this concept, and I’m not so worried by the process we use to accomplish it.”

Cooper said he expects the issue to return to trustees in December, after students and others draft a proposal of their own.
