

Clipboard researched by Susan Greene and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

The dollar cost of alcohol and drug dependency in Orange County is astronomical, the human cost, of course, incalculable. The county is fortunate, however, in having a wide selection of places and programs that treat these problems. Here’s a selected list of those establishments and the information pertinent to treatment:

IN-PATIENT FACILITIES ASAP-Family Treatment 6850 Lincoln Ave. Buena Park (714) 827-4330 or (800) FOR-ASAP Insurance accepted Cost: $600 per day Normal stay: adults, 30 days; adolescents, 60 days Family sessions: twice weekly 12 Step Based in conjunction with other forms of therapy After-care: 2 meetings weekly as long as needed Patient/staff ratio: 5/1 Capistrano by the Sea Hospital 33915 Del Obispo Dana Point (714) 496-5702 Insurance accepted Cost: $595 per day Normal stay: adults, approximately 20 days; adolescents, 60 days Family sessions: 2 weekends per month Recognize 12 Steps but based on current clinical research studies After-care: 1 year Patient/staff ratio: 3/1 CareUnit Hospital of Orange County 401 S. Tustin Ave. Orange (714) 633-9582 Insurance accepted Cost: $325-$375 per day Normal stay: adults, 3-4 weeks; adolescents, 1 month-45 days Family sessions: 5 days per week 12 Step Based After-care: 12 weeks; can return at anytime Special cocaine-abuse treatment program Patient/staff ratio: not available Cooper Fellowship 4717 W. First St. Santa Ana (714) 839-2720 Alcohol recovery program for men only No insurance accepted Cost: $325 per month based on ability to pay; if insufficient income, may be free Normal stay: 6 months to 1 year Family sessions: none 12 Step Based After-care: none Patient/staff ratio: 15/1 Hoag Chemical Dependency Center 301 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach (714) 760-5656 Insurance accepted Cost: detoxification, $550; rehabilitation, $430 Normal stay: 3 weeks Family sessions: 1 week (up to 7 days) 12 Step Based After-care: active 4-6 months; can return up to a year Patient/staff ratio: approximately 1/2 Humana Hospital-West Anaheim 3033 W. Orange Ave. Anaheim (714) 827-3000 ext. 7414 or (714) 229-4014 Insurance accepted Cost: $450 per day; (except for contracting companies) Normal Stay: 28 days Family sessions: 3 times per week or 9 hours per week 12 Step Based After-care: 1 year Patient/staff ratio: 5/1 La Habra Community Hospital (Chemical Dependency Unit) 1251 W. Lambert Road La Habra (714) 870-5090 Insurance and Medicare accepted Cost: detoxification, $400 (from 1-5 days); rehabilitation, $275 (for remaining days) Normal stay: 21 days Family sessions: available 7 days per week 12 Step Based After-care: 1 year Patient/staff ratio: 5/1 Placentia-Linda Community Hospital (New Beginnings) 1301 Rose Drive Placentia (714) 993-2000 Adolescents only Insurance accepted Cost: $375 per day Normal stay: 45 days Family sessions: Saturday 12 Step Based After-care: 1 year Patient/staff ratio: 18/5 South Coast Medical Center Recovery Program 31872 Coast Highway South Laguna (714) 499-7111 Insurance accepted Cost: depends on length of stay and individual Normal stay: detoxification, 3-7 days; rehabilitation, 4-5 weeks Family sessions: 1 full week 12 Step Based After-care: 12 months with patient and family Patient/staff ratio: 2.5/1 St. Joseph Hospital 1100 W. Stewart Drive Orange (714) 771-8080 Insurance accepted Cost: not available Normal stay: 3 weeks Family sessions: the last week of stay (8 hours per day for 5 days) 12 Step Based After-care: 6 months Patient/staff ratio: 8/1 Starting Point of Orange County (Chemical Dependency Recovery Hospital) 350 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa (714) 642-3505 Insurance accepted Cost: $285 per day Normal stay: 31 days Family sessions: every Thursday 12 Step Based After-care: 12-month cycles Patient/staff ratio: 7/1 OUT-PATIENT FACILITIES Adult Children’s Center 112 E. Chapman Ave. Orange (714) 633-2464 Cost: $120 8 weeks Day and evening classes Use 12 Step Based as a means of support Family sessions available Center For Creative Alternatives 28261 Marguerite Parkway Suite 130 Mission Viejo (714) 364-1066 661 Hamilton St. Room 600 Costa Mesa (714) 642-0377 16541 Gothard St., Suite 105 Huntington Beach (714) 841-8770 Cost: $1-$80 per session depending on income Averages 3 months, then enter support group(s) Family sessions available Day and evening care No after-care Hoag Chemical Dependency Center 1501 Superior Ave. Newport Beach (714) 548-1522 Cost: $3,750 1 year Family sessions available Small self-help groups No after-care program 12 Step Based Humana Hospital-West Anaheim 3033 W. Orange Ave. Anaheim (714) 827-3000 ext.7414 Day: $110 per day Nights: $50 per night (3 nights per week, 6-month program) After-care: 1 year 12 Step Based Family sessions available Mariposa Women’s Center Town and Country Suite 116 777 S. Main St. Orange (714) 547-6494 Alcohol only Cost: partially funded by county; $1-$30 per session depending upon income 6-month contract (renewable in 6-month cycles) Alcohol education and group therapy; not based on 12 Step, but 12 Step is recognized Day and evening care No family sessions and no after-care Pathways to Discovery 1100 W. Stewart Drive P.O. Box 5600 Orange (714) 964-2267 Cost: Day, approximately $200 per day; evening, $2,800 17 weeks After-care: 6 months Family sessions available Encourage 12 Step Based, but includes other methods St. Joseph Hospital 1100 W. Stewart Drive Orange (714) 771-8080 Cost: Not available 3 times per week, 2 hours per day (or night) for 4-7 months Group sessions Family sessions: once per week 12 Step Based South Coast Medical Center 30131 Town Center Drive Suite 120 Laguna Niguel (714) 249-2955 Cost: $3,000 6 weeks of evenings (24 sessions) After-care: 46 weeks attending once a week Family sessions: 2 nights per week 12 Step Based Vista Recovery Centers 501 N. Brookhurst St. Suite 214 Anaheim (714) 774-5100 150 N. Paularino, No. 165 Building A Costa Mesa (714) 557-7700 Cost: Adults, $3,900; adolescents, $7,500 5 days or nights per week (or 4 hours per day or night); declines as patient recovers 12 Step Based Family sessions: 9 hours per week After-care: once per week

Source: Individual centers and programs
