
AROUND HOME : Notes on Hooked Rugs, Architectural Ornaments and New Books : Making Kitchen Cabinets Edited by Paul Levine (The Taunton Press; 1988)


LEVINE BASES HIS cabinet construction techniques on a European system, popular because of its simplicity, flexibility and sleek lines. No ornate door pulls on these cabinets; not even the hinges are visible. Typical of Taunton Press book and video authors, Levine’s directions are thorough, whether he’s applying plastic laminate or dovetailing drawers. Although the book (an accompanying video is also available) seems to be geared more to the professional than are most do-it-yourself guides, Levine’s design suggestions are sensible, and the chapter on materials alone could make the difference between a casual, homey effort and a kitchen worthy of design magazines. ($17.95)
