
Culver City : Zoning Request Approved

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The Culver City Council approved a request from an Atlantic Avenue residents’ group to downzone the 11815 to 11923 block from a multiple-family to a single-family home designation.

Residents who spoke in favor of the zoning change said they feared that leaving the narrow, curved street with the multiple-family designation would encourage developers to build apartment houses on the block, changing the neighborhood’s character and increasing traffic.

“At some point, you have to say no to the developers,” said resident Alan Corlin. “Now is the time, Atlantic Avenue is the place.”


Owners of two of the three existing multiple dwellings on the block asked the council to leave their properties under the old zoning, saying they would suffer financial hardship otherwise.

Nellie Short, a 35-year resident, said the value of her property would be reduced by thousands of dollars under the new zoning, but owners of single-family homes disputed that assertion.

Under the zoning change, multiple-dwelling owners can continue to rent out apartments on Atlantic Avenue.
