
Local News in Brief : Fullerton : 2 Doctors Will Debate Propositions 96, 102

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Two Orange County physicians will debate AIDS-related propositions on the Tuesday ballot during a forum Monday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Fullerton College. The event, to be in the student center on the campus, is free and open to the public.

Al Busch, a spokesman for the college, said Dr. John Bridgemann of Laguna Niguel, former president of the Orange County Medical Assn., will speak in favor of Propositions 96 and 102, and Dr. Dan Hagan of Irvine, a member of the county association’s AIDS task force, will speak against the measures.

Proposition 96 would require that people arrested for sex-related crimes be tested for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Proposition 102 would require doctors to report patients “whom they reasonably believe to have been infected or tested positive for AIDS.”


The presentation is sponsored by the Fullerton College Associated Students Curriculum and Education Committee.
