
Proposition 85 for Library Bond Issue


Proposition 85, the library construction and renovation bond measure, is a $75-million bond act, one of the smallest on the November ballot. It would require local community commitment of monies (35%) in partnership with the state bond funds (65%) to build and renovate much-needed libraries.

Prop. 85 would generate an actual $115 million of new and renovated public libraries--at an estimated cost of 25 cents per person per year. Considering all the educational, recreational and cultural benefits we get from our community libraries, that’s a real bargain!

Public libraries haven’t gone to the state’s voters to ask for bond funds before. Right now, however, the need for libraries is truly critical, and local communities can’t keep up.


In Orange, Santa Ana, Anaheim, and many other Orange County communities, the provision of Prop. 85 funds could make a difference in whether and when we get new library facilities to meet the needs of our rapidly growing population. Prop. 85 is a good investment for California!

NORA JACOB, Treasurer

Friends of the Orange Public Library
