
Bouquet for Orangewood


The Orangewood Children’s Home and the Orangewood Children’s Foundation, considered one of the largest and most successful public-private partnerships in the nation, were honored Thursday with a Presidential Recognition Award for the service they provide.

It is heartening to see them receive the federal acknowledgement for providing shelter for children in need. And this award, more than any other, is one that the entire community can share because the youngsters cared for at Orangewood are the children of Orange County.

It became apparent 8 years ago that a new shelter was needed. But the county lacked the money to build one. And the children who were being abused, molested, beaten and abandoned needed a safe place to go--immediately.


The community responded. Rich and poor, old and young, dug deep to donate pennies and dollars. Millions of them. Orangewood was built at a cost of about $8 million, with more than $6 million of it coming from private donations.

The award reminds us all how important Orangewood is and how much it needs our constant support. It also reminds us that the community does respond and takes care of its own. That is worth rewarding, remembering and doing whenever the need arises.
