
Paramount : Neighborhood Cleanup Program Wins Award

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Paramount has won the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence from the League of California Cities. The award is given annually to the city with the most innovative and successful local government program in the state. The league is a lobbying and networking organization made up of the state’s 405 cities.

More than 100 cities in California submitted applications for the award. Paramount was one of 15 finalists that gave presentations on their programs before the League of California Cities conference in San Diego.

Paramount won for its Neighborhoods Lookin’ Good Program, which targets specific neighborhoods for cleanup, using volunteers, residents and city staff members in fixing up areas at no cost to the residents.


More than 1,602 volunteers have donated 7,800 hours to cleaning and refurbishing 2,839 homes during a 21-month period. The city budgeted $1.5 million from its general fund for the 2-year project. The project is scheduled to end in 3 months.
