
‘Real Test’ Begins for George Bush


Bush’s campaign thus becomes an example rather than a heinous embarrassment, a reinforcement of vilification as a national sport. His election night quest of unity was as glib and perfunctory as you’d expect from a politician who is, after all, a moral shrimp. We will eventually pay for this consummate yes-man’s inability to say no to his own worst impulses.

Pundits attributed Bush’s smashing victory in large measure to his resume, as though by simply occupying a job you discharge that job with distinction. Partisans attributed his triumph to his delightful kick-butt style. “Nuke the Duke” read a campaign button election night. “America Wins” read the banner behind the victor (as opposed to what?). As I flipped the channels, I searched for kindness and gentleness, but meanness kept blocking my view.

America has been cheapened by the tawdry spectacle of it all. Still, since God played such a conspicuous co-starring role on the dais election night, maybe it is a good idea to invoke him: God help us.



Los Angeles
