
Rules Skirted on County Building


On Nov. 7, the day before the election while we were all trying to figure how to deal with the people and issues on the ballot, an article appeared on Page 1 of the Metro section that I must comment on (“County Skirts the Rules; Campaign Donor Profits Big”). It was a prime example of what turns voters off of incumbent politicians and public works bond issues.

A builder-developer, who always seems close to big money public projects, sold a building he bought for speculation recently to the county for a huge profit. The usual advertising for bids was forgotten, and apparently the supervisors approved spending flood control bond money raised previously to make up part of the purchase price. The seller contributes heavily to the whole Board of Supervisors, but one on the board had received $28,900 in campaign funds.

I cannot understand how so many deals like this go through, are reported graphically, and nothing ever seems to be done about the event or the system.



