
Relatives Boost Cranberry-Cream Cheese Salad

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“Recently relatives were visiting here in Nebraska,” Mrs. Robert F. Thomas writes. “They loved my cranberry salad and suggested I mail the recipe to you.”


1 (6-ounce) package cherry gelatin

2 cups boiling water

2 large apples, peeled and grated

1 1/2 cups chopped pecans or pecan pieces

2 cups cooked or 1 (16-ounce) can whole cranberry sauce

Cream Cheese Topping

Additional pecans

Dissolve cherry gelatin in boiling water. Cool slightly. Add apples, chopped pecans and cranberry sauce. Turn into 13x9-inch glass baking dish and refrigerate until firm.

Spoon Cream Cheese Topping over top, spreading evenly. Sprinkle with additional pecans (about 1/4 cup chopped) or garnish with pecan halves, if desired. Cover and chill overnight until set. Makes about 12 servings.


Cream Cheese Topping

1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened

1 cup powdered sugar

1 (1-pound 4-ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained

1 (1.4-ounce) envelope whipped topping mix

1/2 cup cold milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

Blend cream cheese and 1/2 cup powdered sugar until smooth. Mix in crushed pineapple. Whip topping mix with cold milk until stiff. Stir in remaining powdered sugar and vanilla. Gradually add to cream cheese mixture.

Note: Instead of using reconstituted whipped topping mix, 2 cups of frozen whipped topping (omit sugar, not vanilla) may be used.


Mitchell, Nebraska

The Times pays $10 for readers’ recipes published. Send an unusual and unpublished recipe to My Best Recipe, Food Section, The Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053. Write how you got the recipe, how you use it, and include name, telephone number and address. Recipes become the property of the Times and will not be returned. Allow three weeks for payment after publication.
